DNA Damage Atlas

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  Technique    Publication    Journal    Targets    Class  
PEM-seqPEM-seq comprehensively quantifies DNA repair outcomes during gene-editing and DSB repairStar protocolDSBDNA damage
HTGTSGenome-wide Translocation Sequencing Reveals Mechanisms of Chromosome Breaks and Rearrangements in B CellsCellDSBDNA damage
Break-seqBreak-seq reveals hydroxyurea-induced chromosome fragility as a result of unscheduled conflict between DNA replication and transcriptionGenome ResearchDSBDNA damage
Protec-seqSpo11 generates gaps through concerted cuts at sites of topological stressSciencedDSBDNA damage
CC-seqA nucleotide resolution map of Top2-linked DNA breaks in the yeast and human genomeNature CommunicationsSpo11cc/TOP2ccDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
SPO11-oligoThe Landscape of Mouse Meiotic Double-Strand Break Formation, Processing, and RepairCellSpo11-oligoDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
DMC1/Rad51 SSDSSensitive mapping of recombination hotspots using sequencing-based detection of ssDNAGenome ResearchDMC1/Rad51DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
RPA/911 ChIP-seqStrand-specific ChIP-seq at DNA breaks distinguishes ssDNA versus dsDNA binding and refutes single-stranded nucleosomesMolecular CellRPA/911DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
DISCOVER-seqUnbiased detection of CRISPR off-targets in vivo using DISCOVER-SeqScienceMRE11DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
FANCD2/Ku/Rad50 ChIP-seqUnbiased detection of CRISPR off-targets in vivo using DISCOVER-SeqScienceFANCD2/Ku/Rad50DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
MRE11 ChIP-seqATM and PRDM9 regulate SPO11-bound recombination intermediates during meiosisNature CommunicationsMRE11DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
gH2AX ChIP-seqHigh-resolution profiling of γH2AX around DNA double strand breaks in the mammalian genomeEMBO JournalgH2AXDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
PAR ChIP-seqNeuronal enhancers are hotspots for DNA single-strand break repairNaturePARDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
XRCC1 ChIP-seqNeuronal enhancers are hotspots for DNA single-strand break repairNatureXRCC1DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
53BP1/Lig4 ChIP-seqComprehensive Mapping of Histone Modifications at DNA Double-Strand Breaks Deciphers Repair Pathway Chromatin SignaturesMolecular Cell53BP1/Lig4DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
TCR-seqUbiquitination of DNA Damage-Stalled RNAPII Promotes Transcription-Coupled RepairCellRNAPIIDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
RAD51/XRCC4 ChIP-seqTranscriptionally active chromatin recruits homologous recombination at DNA double-strand breaksNature Structural & Molecular BiologyRAD51/XRCC4DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
MiDASGenome-wide high-resolution mapping of mitotic DNA synthesis sites and common fragile sites by direct sequencingCell Researchmitotic DNA synthesisDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
BrdU-seqPersistence of RNA transcription during DNA replication delays duplication of transcription start sites until G2/MCell ReportsDNA repair synthesisDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
SAR-seqNeuronal enhancers are hotspots for DNA single-strand break repairNatureDNA repair synthesisDNA damage responses or repair intermediate


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