DNA Damage Atlas

  Showing page: 4

 Total Page: 4 Total entries: 69

  Technique    Publication    Journal    Targets    Class  
RecA ChIP-seqGenomic Analysis of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Escherichia coliMethods EnzymolRecADNA damage responses or repair intermediate
FK2 ChIP-seqComprehensive Mapping of Histone Modifications at DNA Double-Strand Breaks Deciphers Repair Pathway Chromatin SignaturesMolecular Cellubiquitin (FK2)DNA damage responses or repair intermediate
RADD-seqFrom single-molecule to genome-wide mapping of DNA lesions: repair-assisted damage detection sequencingBiophysical reportsDNA repair synthesisDNA damage responses or repair intermediate
CSR-HTGTSFundamental roles of chromatin loop extrusion in antibody class switchingNatureDSBDNA damage
EndoSeqGenome-wide mapping of embedded ribonucleotides and other noncanonical nucleotides using emRiboSeq and EndoSeqNature ProtocolsRibonucleotideDNA damage
ExoT-seqMolecular structures and mechanisms of DNA break processing in mouse meiosisGenes & DevelopmentDSBDNA damage
HTGTS V(D)J-seqThe fundamental role of chromatin loop extrusion in physiological V(D)J recombinationNatureDSBDNA damage
LAM-HTGTSGenome-wide detection of DNA double-stranded breaks induced by engineered nucleasesNature BiotechnologyDSBDNA damage
NBS1/PARP1 ChIP-seqRelease of paused RNA polymerase II at specific loci favors DNA double-strand-break formation and promotes cancer translocationsNature GeneticsNBS1/PARP1DNA damage responses or repair intermediate


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