DNA Damage Atlas

  Showing search results of " HTGTS "

  Showing page: 77

 Total Page: 77 Total entries: 1529

  Sample Name    Source Project ID    Cell Line/Tissue    Organism    Treatment    Genotype    In-situ Treatment    Cell Phase    Bait/Targeted Break    Technique    Fastqc  
GSM6124570-XF_979_AltN171GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiShld1-/-XLF-/-//target locus: three CBEs insertion downstream of Cg2a in Ia deleted cellsCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124571-XF_980_AltN171GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiShld1-/-XLF-/-//target locus: three CBEs insertion downstream of Cg2a in Ia deleted cellsCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124572-XF_981_AltN171GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiShld1-/-XLF-/-//target locus: three CBEs insertion downstream of Cg2a in Ia deleted cellsCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124573-XF_982_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiWT//target locus: non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletionCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124574-XF_983_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiWT//target locus: non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletionCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124575-XF_984_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLkiWT//target locus: non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletionCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124576-XF_985_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLki53BP1-/-//target locus: Single CBE insertion with the same orientation as 3'CBEs in non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletion cellsCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124577-XF_986_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLki53BP1-/-//target locus: Single CBE insertion with the same orientation as 3'CBEs in non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletion cellsCSR-HTGTS
GSM6124578-XF_987_AltN172GSE202567Spleen B cellMus musculuscytokine stimulation;ABLki53BP1-/-//target locus: Single CBE insertion with the same orientation as 3'CBEs in non-coding IgH Sm-Sa deletion cellsCSR-HTGTS


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