DNA Damage Atlas

  Showing search results of " gH2AX ChIP-seq "

  Showing page: 8

 Total Page: 8 Total entries: 147

  Sample Name    Source Project ID    Cell Line/Tissue    Organism    Treatment    Genotype    In-situ Treatment    Cell Phase    Bait/Targeted Break    Technique    Fastqc  
SRX13589840-cgGG-gh2ax-30m-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapienslight-activation of cgRNA GG multi-target Cas9////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX13589865-cgGG-gh2ax-00m-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapienslight-activation of cgRNA GG multi-target Cas9////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX13589867-cgGG-gh2ax-10m-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapienslight-activation of cgRNA GG multi-target Cas9////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX15790079-WT-gh2ax-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapiens/////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX15790080-GG-gh2ax-3h-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapiensGG multi-target////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX15790081-CT-gh2ax-3h-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapiensCT multi-target////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )
SRX15790082-TA-gh2ax-3h-rep1PRJNA733683293THomo sapiensTA multi-target////ChIP-seq ( anti-γH2AX )


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