DNA Damage Atlas

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 Total Page: 14 Total entries: 263


Dataset IDTechnique TypePublicationLast AuthorYearJournalSamples
GSE147409EdU-seqSonic hedgehog accelerates DNA replication to cause replication stress promoting cancer initiation in medulloblastomaFrédéric Charron2020Nature Cancer7
GSE147468END-seqBRCA1 Mutational Complementation Induces Synthetic ViabilityNeil Johnson2020Molecular Cell4
GSE148303XR-seqSuper hotspots and super coldspots in the repair of UV-induced DNA damage in the human genomeAziz Sancar2021Journal of Biological Chemistry4
GSE149082CPD-seqSet2 histone methyltransferase regulates transcription coupled-nucleotide excision repair in yeastJohn J Wyrick2022PLoS Genetics6
GSE149373MiDASGenome-wide high-resolution mapping of mitotic DNA synthesis sites and common fragile sites by direct sequencingSongmin Ying2020Cell Research13
GSE149706END-seqRepeat expansions confer WRN dependence in microsatellite-unstable cancersAndré Nussenzweig2021Nature34
GSE149760TCR-seqELOF1 is a transcription-coupled DNA repair factor that directs RNA polymerase II ubiquitylationMartijn S Luijsterburg2021Nature Cell Biology51
GSE149807ChIP-seqStrand-specific ChIP-seq at DNA breaks distinguishes ssDNA versus dsDNA binding and refutes single-stranded nucleosomesBoris Pfander2021Molecular Cell99
GSE150016BLISSNucleosomes effectively shield DNA from radiation damage in living cellsMarco E Bianchi2020Nucleic Acids Research10
GSE150204BLISSUbiquitylation of MYC couples transcription elongation with double-strand break repair at active promotersMartin Eilers2021Molecular Cell9
GSE150313S1-seqStructural and functional characterization of the Spo11 core complexScott Keeney2021Nature Structural & Molecular Biology4
GSE150314SPO11-oligoStructural and functional characterization of the Spo11 core complexScott Keeney2021Nature Structural & Molecular Biology4
GSE151038ChIP-seqBRD4 prevents the accumulation of R-loops and protects against transcription-replication collision events and DNA damageMichael B Yaffe2020Nature Communications6
GSE151056EdU-seqATRX promotes heterochromatin formation to protect cells from G-quadruplex DNA-mediated stressLaura A Banaszynski2021Nature Communications7
GSE151906LAM-HTGTSLoop extrusion mediates physiological Igh locus contraction for RAG scanningFrederick W Alt2021Nature42
GSE152190CSR-HTGTS-SeqPhysiological role of the 3'IgH CBEs super-anchor in antibody class switchingFrederick W Alt2021PANS12
GSE152601ChIP-seqThe NS1 protein of the parvovirus MVM Aids in the localization of the viral genome to cellular sites of DNA damageDavid J Pintel2020PLoS Pathogens5
GSE152957SPO11-oligoChromosome-autonomous feedback down-regulates meiotic DNA break competence upon synaptonemal complex formationScott Keeney2020Genes & Development11
GSE153471LAM-HTGTSPrecise and broad scope genome editing based on high-specificity Cas9 nickasesManuel A F V Gonçalves2021Nucleic Acids Research15
GSE153734EdU-seqA transcription-based mechanism for oncogenic β-catenin-induced lethality in BRCA1/2-deficient cellsMadalena Tarsounas2021Nature Communications20


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