DNA Damage Atlas

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Dataset IDTechnique TypePublicationLast AuthorYearJournalSamples
GSE213884END-seqThe nematode Oscheius tipulae as a genetic model for programmed DNA eliminationJianbin Wang2022Current Biology15
GSE26449SPO11-oligoA hierarchical combination of factors shapes the genome-wide topography of yeast meiotic recombination initiationScott Keeney2011Cell4
GSE34592ChIP-seqSensitive mapping of recombination hotspots using sequencing-based detection of ssDNAGalina V Petukhova2012Genome Research11
GSE48299SPO11-oligoHomologue engagement controls meiotic DNA break number and distributionScott Keeney2014Nature4
GSE48493ChIP-seqSuppression of genetic recombination in the pseudoautosomal region and at subtelomeres in mice with a hypomorphic Spo11 alleleGalina V Petukhova2013BMC Genomics6
GSE51361Excision-seqHigh resolution mapping of modified DNA nucleobases using excision repair enzymesJay R Hesselberth2014Genome Research11
GSE53755HTGTSIgH class switching exploits a general property of two DNA breaks to be joined in cis over long chromosomal distancesFrederick W Alt2014PANS13
GSE57283LAM-HTGTSGenome-wide detection of DNA double-stranded breaks induced by engineered nucleasesFrederick W Alt2015Nature Biotechnology108
GSE58599HTGTSDevelopmental propagation of V(D)J recombination-associated DNA breaks and translocations in mature B cells via dicentric chromosomesFrederick W Alt2014PANS16
GSE58808Break-seqBreak-seq reveals hydroxyurea-induced chromosome fragility as a result of unscheduled conflict between DNA replication and transcriptionWenyi Feng2015Genome Research13
GSE59836ChIP-seqDNA recombination. Recombination initiation maps of individual human genomesR Daniel Camerini-Otero2014Science9
GSE60526ChIP-seqIdentification of the elementary structural units of the DNA damage responseM Cristina Cardoso2017Nature Communications6
GSE61464Ribose-seqRibose-seq: global mapping of ribonucleotides embedded in genomic DNAFrancesca Storici2015Nature Methods9
GSE62181HydEn-seqTracking replication enzymology in vivo by genome-wide mapping of ribonucleotide incorporationThomas A Kunkel2015Nature Structural & Molecular Biolology29
GSE62927BLESSAnthracyclines induce double-strand DNA breaks at active gene promotersSteven Henikoff2015Mutation Research11
GSE63202ChIP-seqLigand-dependent enhancer activation regulated by topoisomerase-I activityMichael G Rosenfeld2015Cell2
GSE67910SPO11-oligoHigh-Resolution Global Analysis of the Influences of Bas1 and Ino4 Transcription Factors on Meiotic DNA Break Distributions in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeScott Keeney2015Genetics9
GSE67941XR-seqGenome-wide analysis of human global and transcription-coupled excision repair of UV damage at single-nucleotide resolutionAziz Sancar2015Genes & Development12
GSE69140ChIP-seq7SK-BAF axis controls pervasive transcription at enhancersHoward Y Chang2016Nature Structural & Molecular Biolology12
GSE71005HTGTSOrientation-specific joining of AID-initiated DNA breaks promotes antibody class switchingFrederick W Alt2015Nature122


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